On July 25, 2024 Laura Neil provided insights to students examining Medical Negligence claims at JCU as part of their law seminar series.

Brydie Bilic continues to engage in a broad range of practice areas, with involvement in notable cases such as the following:


Mann v Mann & Ors [2024] QSC 50

  • Ms Bilic appeared on behalf of the executor, who was successful in defeating the application. The judgment was selected for reporting, accompanied by the following editor’s note:

“Some complicated issues of construction of a Will arose in this matter. The testator held a half share in three sizeable cane farms, together with other assets. Prior to his death, one of the farms had been the subject of a resumption notice, however unexpectedly after he died, the decision to resume was reversed, the resumption notice revoked, and that part of the cane farm (approximately 21 hectares) was not resumed as it was deemed void. The executor (the testator’s wife) and the applicant (one of his adult children) differed as to how the executor should interpret the Will concerning the outcome of those unanticipated events, specifically as to whether the description of a specific gift in the Will (to adult children of the deceased) of land included part of the farm which at the time of the Will had been the subject of the resumption notice. The testator had left the residue to his wife. She claimed this land went to her as part of the residue. The children sought declarations that the land went to them. The application turned upon the construction of clause 4 of the Will which dealt with the disposition of the testator’s interests in the family farm. Ultimately, his Honour dismissed the application, on the basis that the declarations sought were at odds with the proper construction of the Will.”


R v Willis [2023] QSC 190

  • The defendant was charged with unlawfully supplied the dangerous drug MDMA himself. At the close of the Crown case, Ms Bilic made a ‘No Case’ application. The application rested on the manner in which the Crown had particularised its case, and the issues that subsequently arose in regards to the jurisdiction and date (and lack of evidence or contradictory evidence to support such). Justice Henry upheld the application, finding that there was no case to answer and directing an acquittal.


R v Fornier [2023] QSC

  •  Ms Bilic appeared on behalf of the defendant, Mr Fornier, who was charged with one count of murder. The key issue at trial was whether Mr Fornier acted in self-defence. The jury acquitted Mr Fornier of both murder and manslaughter.


R v Waters; Ex parte Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) [2023] QCA 131

  •  Ms Bilic appeared on behalf of the Respondent in the Court of Appeal in an application to seek leave to appeal sentence brought by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions on the grounds of manifest inadequacy.

Laura Neil and Brydie Bilic volunteered as coaches for James Cook University’s Advocacy and Sentencing course over the weekend of 20 and 21 July 2024. Laura and Brydie assisted with providing feedback to JCU students regarding their mooting skills and insight on how to be a skilled advocate.

On June 7, 2024 Endeavour Chambers proudly hosted our annual Halfway There Celebration. We thank all our briefing solicitors and wish you all a wonderful 2024.

On 29 April 2024, Laura Neil appeared in the Queensland Court of Appeal for the matter of Wang v Ford [2024] QCA 72. Laura represented the Respondents and was successful in having the appeal dismissed with indemnity costs awarded.

In February 2024, Laura Neil presented 2 papers at the ALA State Conference on the Gold Coast. She presented to delegates on Advocacy in Peacekeeping - Mediation skills, as well as presenting a session to early career lawyers regarding Navigating the pre-trial phase of person injuries litigation.

On the 28th September 2023, Melia Benn attended the James Cook University Alumni Event. Ms Benn was presented with the Outstanding Indigenous Alumni Award for her tireless work as a barrister and advocate for Indigenous people. Ms Benn is an intelligent, dedicated and hardworking barrister and we are honored to have her in our chambers.

Congratulations Ms Benn!

On 24 July 2023, Mr Dalton was appointed to the Magistrates Court of Queensland. It was a privilege to have Mr Dalton in our chambers.

Congratulations Magistrate Dalton!

Melia Benn and Joshua Creamer delivered a plenary talk at the 2023 National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference. Melia and Joshua spoke about “Truth telling, the law and its impact on First Nations people”.

Endeavour Chambers are proud to be key sponsors of the 2023 Offerman’s NQLA Conference.

Michael Dalton presented a paper on parole issues in sentencing at the 2023 Offerman’s NQLA Conference over the weekend.

Laura Neil chaired a mediation panel discussion with fellow barristers Andrew Philip KC and Justin Greggery KC.

Brydie Bilic chaired a criminal law panel with fellow barristers Joshua Trevino KC, Rachelle Logan, Deputy Director Todd Fuller KC and the Honourable Justice James Henry.