Melia Benn

T: (07) 4031 0617

F: (07) 4041 7970


Melia was called to the bar 2018.  Practicing initially in criminal law and coronial inquests having previously practiced as a lawyer with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and as Counsel Assisting the Northern Coroner prior to joining the private bar. 

Melia has since broadened her practice which now consists predominately of class action proceedings, discrimination and inquiries whilst continuing to have a large Inquest practice.  

As one of only two Aboriginal women practising at the private bar Melia is passionate about assisting First Nations clients navigate the justice system.  Melia has been part of large Counsel teams on many notable class actions representing First Nations parties including:

  • Pearson v State of Queensland QUD714/2016 (Stolen Wages Qld)

  • Mervyn Street v State of Western Australia WAD237/2020. (Stolen Wages WA)

  • Minnie McDonald v Commonwealth of Australia VID312/2021. (Stolen Wages NT – ongoing)

  • Brett Gunning v State of Queensland VID943/2023 and Madison May Burns v State of Queensland 944/2023 (collectively known as the “QLD DOCS Class Action” - ongoing)

Cases of Interest:

  • R v Sprott; Ex parte Attorney-General (Qld) [2019] QCA 116 - lead by Frank Richards.

  • Inquest into the death of Kerri Pike, Peter Dawson and Tobias Turner (Skydiving multiple fatality) – Counsel Assisting led by Melinda Zerner (now Coroner Zerner).

  • Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC v District Council of Kimba (No 2) [2020] FCAFC 39 (13 March 2020) – pro bono lead by Dan O’Gorman SC

  • R v MDD [2020] QCA 235 - lead by Joshua Trevino KC (now District Court Judge Trevino KC).

  • R v Dowling [2021] QCA 129 - lead by Joshua Trevino KC (now District Court Judge Trevino KC).


  • Outstanding Indigenous Alumni Award 2023 from James Cook University. Recognising Melia’s outstanding contribution to the legal profession.

  • Australian Lawyers Alliance’s Queensland Civil Justice Award 2021. Recognising Melia’s outstanding commitment to the pursuit of justice.

Professional Memberships:

  • Indigenous Lawyers Association of Queensland

  • Australian Lawyers Alliance

  • Bar Association of Queensland

    • Indigenous Affairs Committee 2020 - present

  • Human Rights Law Association

Practice Areas

  • Class Actions

  • Regulatory Prosecutions

  • Discrimination Law

  • Appellate Advocacy

  • Inquests

Year of Call

  • 2018